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Measuring Customer Satisfaction for Continuous Improvement


Our client, a prestigious social club, wanted to measure and improve their member satisfaction.


We developed an online survey for members and consumers on the waitlist to assess their awareness of club benefits, programs, activities and additional services which could be provided to members.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction for Continuous Improvement


With the survey findings, we were able to breakout significant areas of opportunity to improve member satisfaction:

  • Evolution of current social, networking and athletic opportunities

  • Select member populations are looking for more progressive guideline adjustments to accommodate the modern professional in select areas of the club

  • Additional services members would like to explore


Understanding current member satisfaction is key to member retention and enhancing membership value:

  • Determine core club offerings which are imperative to maintain member satisfaction

  • Identifying areas of improvement to helps focus efforts and resources to impactful areas

Making the investment in research provided the Membership Director and executive leadership team with the Unmuted Consumer Insights – identifying the fundamental expectations of membership and further opportunities to expand member services.

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